Monday, July 6, 2009

What are your thoughts on this?

Lifebanc, a Cleveland, OH based organization promoting organ donation awareness, is hosting a walk/run fundraiser. While in it's basic premise, this is a noble plan, I am deeply disturbed by one aspect of the event - the registration fee. Here's is what they have posted on their site:

Adult Registration is $20; Children 12 and under is $10; Children under 3 are FREE! An event t-shirt is available for $5. Register by August 1 to guarantee a t-shirt. T-shirts are not guaranteed to be available for purchase the day of the event.

Now, for the general public who wish to support the cause, I think this is a very reasonable fee. What I find disturbing is that my husband emailed them to ask if there was a fee for donors and recipients who wish to participate, and guess what? $20 for adults, $10 for children. Now, I apologize if you don't agree with my opinion on this, but I just think that is plain wrong! Why should someone who endured the pain of surgery, risk to his own life, and a tortuous recovery, have to pay? Have the living donors not paid enough already? Many donors have suffered extensively and risked death in order to save the life of another, can they not forgo the $20 for these people?

I will choose to spend my time and energy, and even my money, on an organization that can appreciate the sacrifices made by living donors and their families, not one who tries to milk even more from them.

1 comment:

firemom31 said...

I agree with you 100%. We have very little income ourselves, but we were told we would have no bills from the donation. The hospital gave us a nice little letter saying they would pay any remaining co-pays from the recipients insurance, yet we are getting bills with notices saying the insurance declined to pay, so we need to pay. The hospital isn't returning our messages. We can't pay the bills, so it looks as it the donation has ruined what little credit rating we had. It seems that no one really cares about the donor, it's all hype to get the organ, I guess.