Friday, September 25, 2009

Is the nightmare coming true?

Hubby went to have his first annual follow up lab work done this week. No worries, right? He feels okay, looks okay, is okay. Wrong! His creatinine level is elevated. He called and spoke with the transplant folks in Florida, and they are concerned. They will be meeting this Monday to discuss it and decide what needs to be done. Until then, we sit on pins and needles, hoping and praying that nothing has gone wrong. You would think, a year after the donation, this would all be behind us. Even for me, the professional Queen on Impending Doom, this was a surprise. I honestly thought that once we were through all of the recovery process and the complications, well, I thought that was the end. Nothing more to remind us other than a scar. I was so very wrong. As soon as we hear from the folks at the Shands, I'll post an update.

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