Sunday, September 13, 2009

I knew this would happen

Before I truly start this post, let me first say that I don't believe that what I am about to type is rational in any way, it is simply a summary of my feelings, a means of venting my frustration.

We are still battling bills from the transplant. I have repeatedly sent billing information, made phone calls, etc., to no avail. Yesterday I got the first notice from a collection agency. We can't get ahold of Fred because he is in Egypt. So, while our receipient is traveling the world and enjoying himself, we are strapped with thousands of dollars in medical bills and can't even afford to go out for dinner. I told my husband this would happen, he didn't care, he wanted to do what he wanted to do. So far, short of death, almost everything I said would happen has happened. In the scheme of things, we saved a life, but damn, this is so frustrating.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Sure, let's follow each other and trade links, i'm kind of new to blogging so please have some patience with me:) let's make are blog successful.